3ª Circunscrição RCPN
office of birth, death and marriage registration
type: Interior
client: Private
location: Rua Graça Aranha 416 sala 601/607, Centro, Rio de Janeiro
team: Clara Bovier and Leandro Portela
description: Commercial interior retrofit.
status: Completed 2015
the scope
This office receives 800 people a day. There were many micro spaces and no restrooms for the clients. We had to put down every single wall that existed. We created basically 4 big rooms. One of them is the reception; an open space with see through glass, so that the people who are working and the clients would interact better. A separate wedding room was necessary to create the proper environment for the bride and groom on their special day. Another room was given to the notary to have a place to work with all the necessary facilities. The last room is designed to receive and keep all the documents organized and in order with the right access from the working room and notaries.
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